Liga národů UEFA - ženy


The UEFA Women's Nations League is a biennial international women's football competition contested by the senior women's national teams of the member associations of UEFA, the sport's European governing body.

The competition feature threes leagues, with promotion and relegation between them in addition to a final tournament to determine the champions. It also acts as part of the qualifying process for the UEFA Women's Championship, FIFA Women's World Cup and Women's Olympic Football Tournament, depending on the season.


On 2 November 2022, the UEFA Executive Committee approved a new women's national team competition system, which was publicly announced the following day. This included the announcement of a women's Nations League competition beginning in 2023. The new system came as part of the UEFA women's football strategy for 2019 to 2024 and was approved after discussions between representatives of national associations and the recommendation of the UEFA Women's Football Committee. The Women's Nations League acts as the first phase of a two-part women's national team competition cycle, with the other phase being the European qualifiers for the UEFA Women's Championship or FIFA Women's World Cup.

The new system is designed to create more competitive matches, with teams facing others of similar strength, while generating a greater sporting and commercial interest in women's national team football. However, the system still gives all national teams a chance of qualifying for major international tournaments. The interconnected competition cycles are intended to encourage the long-term development of women's national teams.

Liga národů UEFA žen je mezinárodní fotbalový turnaj pořádaný UEFA pro ženské reprezentační týmy členských asociací UEFA. Turnaj byl založen v roce 2023 a od té doby se koná každé dva roky.

Turnaj je rozdělen do dvou lig, A a B. V každé lize je 12 týmů, které jsou rozděleny do čtyř skupin po třech týmech. Týmy ve skupině hrají každý s každým dvakrát, celkem čtyřikrát.

Vítěz každé skupiny v Lize A postoupí do finálového turnaje, který se koná v samostatné hostitelské zemi. Vítěz finálového turnaje se stane vítězem Ligy národů UEFA žen.

Liga národů UEFA žen je určena k tomu, aby poskytla ženským národním týmům více soutěžních zápasů a pomohla jim zlepšit jejich úroveň hry.